Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jan 2015 Baby Quilt

More 6" squares from the ready box.  For a friend's daughter who will arrive early June.

Jan 2015 Baby Quilt 1935 Reproductions

January 2015
A few happy 6" squares.  For Selena's baby boy.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

New Sewing Table-build it yourself

January 2015
Many thanks for a great idea:
The Ikea table transformed into a quilting table with no drag... Both my machines will easily fit in the space.    Ok, I'm actually excited about doing a large quilt. Thanks JJ!!! 
Total cost including shipping, taxes, and a few 6" screws- about $102.00.  Actually a large savings considering that most of the sewing cabinets with a drop down for the machine start around $1,200.